My View On Training (Most People Don't Need To Go To The Gym)

BRRRrrRR it's cold here in Maine.

But I did a video anyway! :)

It's a litttle bit scattered but in it I talk about my view on training (going to the gym, working out at home, cardio, etc.)

People tend to think they need to invest in a gym membership, a huge time commitment, and a complicated workout plan in order for it to be worth their time to exercise.

That couldn't be further from the truth.

For most people, you could be working out at home in a relatively simple manner for 2-3 years while still gaining strength (if that's what you want) using progressive calisthenics.

For many, losing weight is all they want, and that can be done almost entirely by your diet.

There is a time and place to add training though, particularly if you want to prevent some of the muscle loss that happens while dieting. Also, if you want to get F$CKIN' JACKED, you'll probably want to hit the gym and get an a more serious barbell training program.

For me, I just wanted to fit into tighter-fitting fashionable clothes!